Subtle textures in ceramic work on display at Warwickshire gallery

Melanie Keevil at work in her studio.Melanie Keevil at work in her studio.
Melanie Keevil at work in her studio.
The landscapes and architecture of Cornwall, Wales, the south of France, Italy and Spain have fuelled the inspiration to create the artworks next on display at rural Warwickshire gallery, the Art Barn.

The art space, which sits alongside the Old Rectory B&B in Preston Bagot, is hosting Clay, the first solo exhibition in 14 years of ceramicist Melanie Keevil.

An associate member of the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists (RBSA), Melanie’s sculptures are based on the female form and the decorative aspects of ancient civilisations, while she also creates - using subtle colours and textures - wall panels, for which she takes inspiration from landscapes and architecture.

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This will not be Melanie’s first exhibition at the Art Barn, as she displayed a selection of works in a joint display with fellow ceramicist and RBSA member Tom Millard in October 2010.

Porthselau by Melanie Keevil.Porthselau by Melanie Keevil.
Porthselau by Melanie Keevil.

This was following a ten-year pause in her artistic career while she concentrated on starting a family, so the enthusiastic reception from the exhibition encouraged Melanie to rebuild that career.

Having graduated in 1990 and exhibited around London and at the Custard Factory in Birmingham, she has also taught children and over-60s how to create ceramic artworks and led a drawing course for American students and Birmingham University. Melanie was last year accepted on to the RBSA, giving her the confidence to set up her own solo show of new works once again.

It will open at the Art Barn on Saturday and run until Saturday June 30. Opening times are 10am to 6pm on weekends and on weekdays by appointment. Admission is free. For further details, call 843023.

To see more of Melanie’s work, visit