Celebrating 30 years of the Vulcan

The 30th anniversary of Vulcan XM655 landing at Wellesbourne Mountford Airfield was celebrated last month

The celebrations took part at the South Warwickshire Flying School, where a highlight for all was meeting Wilbur Wilson, the Vulcan co-pilot who flew in all those years ago, with the very experienced Joe l’Estrange as captain (who was unable to make the event).

A large cake was baked specially and took centre stage as invited guests arrived to celebrate the event with volunteers who had worked so hard over many years to both restore and preserve ‘655 in fully operational (if not airworthy) condition. At the event, the Vulcan was put through its paces, with ground power being applied, the control surfaces being exercised, landing and anti-collision lights being demonstrated, the air brakes being cycled and the demonstration finishing with the opening of the bomb bay.

XM655 Maintenance and Preservation Society is holding its annual Wings and Wheels event on June 15, at which the Vulcan will be performing taxy runs.

Further information is available at xm655.com