Have your say on Kenilworth policing priorities

Kenilworth residents can have their say on police priorities by voting in an online poll ahead of an upcoming community forum on Tuesday June 4.

People can vote on their preferred police priorities by going online using the following link: https://www.warwickshire.police.uk/article/60351 The online vote will close on Monday June 3 ahead of the community forum. Residents can vote on one of five police priorities.

The priority options are:

- Anti-social behaviour patrols at parks, recreational areas and open spaces to prevent and or deal with anti-social behaviour and to provide reassurance to members of the local community.

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- Crime reduction patrols in the town centre to prevent and or deal with incidents of theft and anti-social behaviour and to provide reassurance to the public.

- Speed checks and monitoring on Rounds Hill, Kenilworth, to prevent and or deal with speeding motorists. Speed reduction, educate motorists and provide reassurance to the local community.

- Burglary prevention patrols in town to prevent and or detect offences and provide reassurance to members of the community.

- Inconsiderate parking patrols in Kenilworth (including roads surrounding Castle Farm) to prevent and or detect offences, take necessary action and educate motorists.

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Residents can discuss any local issues of concern, including the police priorities at the next Kenilworth Community Forum held at 7pm at the Kenilworth Senior Citizens Club, Abbey End Car Park on June 4.

The event organised by the Kenilworth Safer Neighbourhood Team.