A childish threat

I fail to see how a small boat slipway can lead to the “destruction” of the River Avon near Barford. Clearly Warwick Boat Club is not really a boat club at all, as they obviously don’t like boats from what their Mr John Vedy says.

As for Christopher Taylor, the owner of Warwick Castle Park, he threatens to remove all rights of access on the river, to erect a steel wire across it and prosecute all trespassers on it - how childish is this? There has been a right of access on the river for hundreds of years. Mr Taylor may own some of the banks, but not the water.

People, including me, have regularly canoed this stretch for more than 50 years, and Warwick University have likewise used it for a long time. His dangerous wire would decapitate the boaters. As for trespass, this again is an idle threat as there is no such crime today. - Peter Webb, Beverley Road, Leamington.

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