Column plan was a delight to see

What a delight it was to pick up the Courier on June 15 and see the front page. No murder, no mayhem, no misery.

Instead a photo of the happy Queen in a pink hat and coat, and an artist’s impression of the column proposed for Christchurch Gardens, reminded me that in spite of all the evidence to the contrary the summer summer sun still resides in the sky.

From my early years I loved Christchurch, or at least I loved the focal point it provided for the Parade. Ever since its demolition I have missed it, though truth to tell it was an undistinguished building, squat and lumpish, imitation Norman, about the worst style possible for Leamington.

The column is exactly what is needed - regal, elegant, imaginative and appropriate. “Get cracking!” say I. - R.P. Taylor, St Mary’s Terrace, Leamington.

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